
The Optometry & Vision Science Library space in Minor Hall is no longer managed by the main campus library. Books from the Optometry Library space have been moved to the Bioscience Library. You can use the catalog to request that books be sent to a library close to Minor Hall. The closest is the Environmental Design Library (in Wurster Hall); the Music Library is also nearby. You can also visit the Bioscience Library to get books.

Research Guides

Library and research needs may be found on any of several research guides. Use the buttons below to access the Optometry Guide, and a list of Optometry and Vision Science guides, where you will find information on finding articles, books, evidence-based optometry, eye images/videos, citation management, research data, grants, and more.

Optometry Guide
List of Guides

Library Contacts

Inquires to the library should be sent to the email listed below.

Krista Anandakuttan
Public Health & Optometry Librarian

Do you need help with library research, literature reviews, or open access publishing?
Krista can assist with developing search strategies, finding data, managing citations, understanding open access publishing options, and teaching how to effectively use the library. Please do not hesitate to contact Krista if you have questions related to literature reviews, citation management, open access publishing, journal access problems, and more. You can also reach out to suggest books and journals for the collection or to request library workshops for students.