Dr. Flannery To Speak At the Berkeley 150 Roadshow
By Eric Craypo

Berkeley Optometry and Vision Science professor John Flannery has been invited to accompany Chancellor Carole Christ for a program titled VISIONARY AGING: How Smart Technology and Gene Therapy Can Enhance Our Health. Dr. Flannery will be presenting at the Berkeley 150 Roadshow in New York in April.
Visionary Aging
From mobility and blindness to disease and deafness, our bodies face increasing challenges as we age. The good news? There are exciting new breakthroughs in science and technology to address these vagaries of aging. Join Chancellor Carol T. Christ and distinguished faculty and friends to learn more about the new age of aging during the Berkeley 150 Roadshow. This exclusive event features professor David Lindeman M.S.W. ’80, D.S.W. ’87, director of Berkeley’s Center for Technology and Research in the Interest of Society; and John Flannery, professor of neurobiology and faculty in the School of Optometry. They’ll share the future of smart technology for health management, and the spectacular promise of gene therapy to combat vision loss and blindness.
About The Berkeley 150 Roadshow
Berkeley is turning 150! One of Abraham Lincoln’s lasting legacies — using land proceeds to establish new schools — gave life to our nation’s educational system. On March 23, 1868, the University of California was born. And Berkeley, its first campus, is today the most distinguished public university in the history of higher education. Guided by the motto Fiat Lux, our duty is to bring new knowledge to light … to illuminate solutions for bettering the human condition … to be a beacon of opportunity for promising young minds and top faculty. Throughout 2018, let’s celebrate 150 years of light — and project that light forward for another 150 years. To celebrate, Berkeley faculty are hitting the road to reflect on stellar moments throughout our history, while learning about today’s shining accomplishments. Distinguished faculty members will also discuss their research — how the disciplines have changed over time, where they are headed, and how Berkeley faculty and students have contributed to their advances. Details and registration coming soon.