Congrats To Our New Graduates!
By Eric Craypo
The Class of 2023 had their graduation on Saturday, May 20th, 2023! The Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science graduated 69 Doctors of Optometry (OD) and 4 vision science PhD graduates. The ceremony took place at Hertz Hall, with a special commencement address from Vanessa Von Wertheim, PhD, RN, daughter of Dr. Herbert Wertheim. After the ceremony, students gathered on Minor Beach to celebrate with family, friends, faculty, and staff!
Congratulations to all of our graduates; we wish you happiness, success, and all the best!
Doctors of Philosophy in Vision Science
Joel Bowen
Effects of Spatial Attention on Crowded Peripheral Processing
Chair: Michael A. Silver, PhD
Tsung-Wei Ke
Binocular Contrast Perception and its Application to Display Technologies
Chair: Emily Cooper, PhD
Minqi Wang
Learning Visual Groupings and Representations with Minimal Human Labels
Chairs: David Whitney, PhD & Stella Yu, PhD
Peter Wang
Towards Real-World Representation Learning and Its Healthcare Applications
Chairs: Meng C. Lin, OD, PhD & Stella Yu, PhD