Bay Area Young Investigators Research Conference
By Liza Shevchuk

The Bay Area Young Investigators Research Conference took place at Stanford’s campus in Palo Alto on April 12th, 2024. The conference welcomed 16 UC Berkeley presenters (undergraduates, PhD students and candidates, Post-docs, Visiting scholars). Speakers from our community included Jan Auswitz, Josephine D'Angelo, Pabita Dhungel, Haley Frey, Dr. Shruthi Karnam, Matangi Kumar, Beatrice Le, Vivian Lee, Lawrence Man, Dr. Shubham Maurya, Taishi Painter, Dr. Meng Shi, Dr. Charlotte (Yiyi) Wang, Emily Ward, Jason Wong, and Angeline Yang.
Twenty-one faculty members with various expertise were invited to be panelists. Faculty panelists from our community include Dean John Flanagan, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Karsten Gronert, and Dr. Lu Chen. VS students Matangi Kumar and Beatrice Le were on the executive planning committee for the conference. Additionally, Dean Flanagan and Dr. Rowland Taylor received two founder acknowledgement frames on behalf of Berkeley.
Overall, the conference went smoothly and was a great experience for the trainees. We were also happy to see numerous Berkeley-affiliated guests who attended the conference in support of our vision science community. Go Bears!
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