Brian A. Barsky, PhD

Professor of Computer Science and Vision Science; Affiliate Professor of Optometry; Member of the Bioengineering Graduate Group
Corneal topography; Contact lens design and fabrication; Ocular image visualization; Blurring and deblurring; Vision realistic rendering; Vision correcting displays; Computational imaging; Computer graphics; Computer-aided geometric design and modeling; Computational photography
Prof. Barsky’s research interests include computational aesthetics, computational photography, methods for the design and fabrication of contact lenses, computer methods for optometry and ophthalmology, image synthesis, spline curve/surface representations, computer aided geometric design and modeling, CAD/CAM/CIM, interactive and realistic three-dimensional computer graphics, visualization in scientific computing, computer aided cornea modeling and visualization, videokeratography techniques, corneal topographic mapping, medical imaging, virtual environments for surgical simulation, and display technology.
Prof. Barsky’s research includes developing Vision-Realistic Rendering which uses three-dimensional rendering techniques for the computer generation of synthetic images to simulate the vision of specific individuals based on measuring the wavefront aberrations of their eyes. This led to developing a vision-correcting display to enable specific viewer to see it in sharp focus directly without using any corrective eyewear such as eyeglasses or contact lenses. This was selected by Scientific American as one of 2014’s ten “World Changing Ideas.”